Let’s just get this out of the way right away… all of our patients, including you, are super smart people. You already know that you need to brush twice a day for two minutes each time, floss daily, and have regular dental checkups to get a healthy smile.

However, many of you want to know what else you can do to improve your oral health. You want to know some “insider tips” to make your smile even more attractive and healthier… you know, the things only dentists know about.
In this blog, I’m going to share six of my favorite lesser-known tips to take your smile to the next level. Ready to dive in?
#1 – Seek Out Calcium
One of the most important nutrients you can consume for a healthy smile is calcium. In the same way it strengthens the bones in your body, it also helps keep your teeth in great shape. Obviously, dairy is a great way to get calcium, but you can also get it from seafood, leafy greens, legumes, dried fruit, and tofu. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with calcium, as well.
#2 – Nature’s Floss
If you’re on the go and you don’t have the opportunity to floss your teeth, grab some crunchy fruits and veggies like carrot sticks or apple slices. These foods can help you keep your teeth clean, plus they’re super healthy snacks! That’s the true definition of killing two birds with one stone.

#3 – Brush Everywhere
I know you know how to brush your teeth, but generally, people don’t take the time to (or just don’t know they should) brush everywhere else, too! Your tongue, gums, and even the roof of your mouth needs to be brushed on a regular basis. Think about it: these areas come in contact with your teeth all the time, and they contain bacteria just like the surfaces of your teeth do. Don’t neglect the rest of your mouth when you’re brushing. Just remember to be gentle!
#4 – Sip Smart
Approximately half of the adults in the United States drink coffee every day. Are you one of them? If so, try to sip smart. I’m not going to tell you to drink your hot coffee through a straw. However, I want you to consider drinking your coffee as quickly as possible rather than slowly sipping several cups from 7am to lunch time. Coffee is acidic, so drinking it throughout the entire morning every single day can do some real damage to your enamel. Instead, drink it right away in the morning, rinse with water, and you’ll be good to go!
#5 – Clean Your Toothbrush Holder
Of course you clean your toilet and you probably wipe down your sinks, showers, and other bathroom surfaces on a regular basis. What about your toothbrush holder? A study by the National Sanitation Foundation determined that toothbrush holders are the third germiest household item. Yikes! It’s a magnet for bacteria and germs, and it’s often overlooked when people clean their bathrooms. Try to disinfect yours on a regular basis.
#6 – Let it Sit
Have you ever considered going to bed without rinsing your mouth after brushing? It’s almost instinctual to rinse with water, but if you’re using a fluoridated toothpaste, it might be smarter to let it sit on the surface of your teeth while you sleep. You can literally strengthen your teeth while you sleep!
There you have it; my six tips for a healthy smile that go beyond basic brushing and flossing. Did you learn something? Which tip was your favorite? Head on over to our Facebook or Instagram page and let us know!

If it’s time for a checkup or you want to schedule a procedure like teeth whitening, Botox, or a dental crown to replace a missing tooth, give us a call at 337.231.3000. You can also schedule an appointment on our website if that’s more convenient. We look forward to seeing you soon!