Lafayette Dentist

Why We Believe in Pampering Our Patients!

2018-07-02T14:12:25+00:00July 2nd, 2018|General Dentistry, Personal, The Dental Boutique|

Essential oils, aromatherapy towelettes, soothing music and your favorite television shows. Is this a spa day or a trip to the dentist? At The Dental Boutique, we love that our patients can hardly tell the difference. We work really hard to blur the lines between an afternoon of luxury and a necessary routine dental appointment. [...]

Can My Allergies Cause Tooth Pain?

2017-10-27T23:23:32+00:00October 27th, 2017|General Dentistry, The Dental Boutique, Uncategorized|

"Aachoooo!!  Achoo!  AAAAAchoooooo!" "Bless you.. bless you...Bless --- oh forget it." Have you ever felt like you may never stop sneezing? The changing of seasons can affect everyone, but did you know that it may also be affecting your dental comfort specifically? If you are someone who suffers from seasonal allergies but you also seem to be [...]

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