Routine Cleanings

Is Dental Health Important While Pregnant?

2017-11-09T18:30:51+00:00November 9th, 2017|General Dentistry, The Dental Boutique, Uncategorized|

With a baby on the way or just born, the last thing you have time to think about is your teeth. However, if you are not practicing good dental health during and after your pregnancy, there could be consequences that may be long term for you and your baby.  A Few Myths About Dental Health With [...]

Why Is It Important To Stay Up To Date On Dental Cleanings?

2017-10-12T17:40:44+00:00October 12th, 2017|General Dentistry, The Dental Boutique, Uncategorized|

Every year, you make a new resolution, and we KNOW yours was to stay on top of your dental cleanings, right? : ) Dr. Lindsey Saterfiel loves to see her patients in her office every 6 months, not only to make sure your mouth is healthy and in check, but just to say hi! Her [...]

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