Hooray! Springtime is getting closer and closer, and we are so excited! Do you know what is not exciting though? A broken tooth that has occurred in your mouth and you’ve just been told you’re going to need a crown. Is there EVER a good time to have this happen?
Now What?
The first thing you think of is, “Oh man, this is going to take WEEKS!” Of course, this is not ideal because you have spring break coming up and the last thing you want to deal with is a temporary crown in your mouth! So you start thinking, “What if it pops off and I can’t place it back on? Or what if it cracks while on vacation and I won’t have any coverage for that tooth?” But wait!! Dr. Lindsey Saterfiel has your answer and boy are you going to be ecstatic about it! Here at The Dental Boutique, we know YOUR time is valuable! We are always up to date with the newest technology. That is where our state-of-the-art CEREC technology comes in!
What Is CEREC?
CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. That is kind of a mouthful, so we’ll just stick with CEREC! This procedure will cut your treatment time and visits down drastically! Meaning you can get your treatment completed in one day! Who could say no to that?! But there’s more. CEREC crowns are made of ceramic, which is so strong and esthetically they look AMAZING! Are you starting to get excited? Because we are! We love when we can provide our patients with the BEST care possible!

One stop restorations!
What Is The Process?
With a traditional crown, your dental professional would need to take goopy impressions of your teeth and then send off to the lab, which means weeks of nothing happening for you. With CEREC, there will be no goopy mess for you! After your tooth is prepped, we then take a digital scan (doesn’t hurt at all!) of that prepped area. The computer digitally “builds” your tooth and we then design it to make sure all contacts and dimensions are correct. Once the design process is complete, that file gets sent over to the 3D printer. Your crown is now in the process of getting created!
Once that step is complete, we place your newly made crown in the oven to bake to get that gorgeous, glossy finish. It is then cemented in with the best cement on the dental market, and voilà! You have a brand new crown that you can leave with. Same day dentistry!
If you have any questions about CEREC crowns or any questions in regards to other dental treatments, please give us a call at 337.231.3000.We would love to talk to you!
Or if you already know you’d like to make an appointment, go ahead and schedule one below.