People are always so curious what an actual dentist recommends. That’s why you always hear on commercials, “9 out of 10 dentists recommend…” Everyone always wants to know what we would use on our own teeth!

So, we decided to put together this blog post to talk about three of our absolute favorite dental products. These are the things we decided we couldn’t live without now that we’ve used them and we see how much impact they have on our oral health.

Let’s get into it, shall we?

Sonicare Toothbrush

Manual toothbrushes are fine. They get the job done. However, there’s a lot of room for error when you go with a manual toothbrush. For example, it’s very easy to brush too hard and hurt your gums without even realizing it. Then there’s the fact that most people don’t brush nearly long enough. Electric toothbrushes, like the Sonicare, solve these problems (and more)

With a Sonicare, you don’t have to worry about whether you’re brushing too hard or not brushing long enough. Don’t believe us? The Academy of General Dentistry found that most people are only brushing 45 to 70 seconds per day, which is less than half the recommended time. Yikes! We love Sonicare because it times out your brushing and even notifies you when it’s time to switch to another part of your mouth.

Our top choice is the Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean. There’s nothing better, so if you want the healthiest teeth and the freshest breath, we encourage you to go get yourself one!

Coco Floss

We have a jar of this floss in our office and not only is the packaging simply gorgeous, it’s the best floss out there. Trust us, we’ve tried LOTS of flosses. It’s thick and it’s woven and it cleans so much better than a slippery wax floss. Plus, it’s coated in coconut oil which is a natural antimicrobial, and so good for your gums!

Another reason we love Coco Floss? The flavors, of course! They’ve got regular mint, but they also have passion fruit, fresh coconut, strawberry, and cara cara orange. It’s so hard to pick a favorite. Oh, we also need to mention that it’s free of parabens, SLS, PFAS, and it’s cruelty-free, so you don’t have to feel bad about stocking up!

Night Guard

This one is a little bit of a “specialty” item, but so many of our patients (and a few of us!) benefit from the use of a night guard, and that’s why we’ve put it on our list. Let’s face it, many of us are stressed and anxious and that leads to grinding at night. A night guard is necessary to protect your teeth from wear and of course, pain.

You can get night guards over-the-counter, but we strongly advise that you invest in one that is custom made for your mouth. You want to be comfortable since you’re going to be wearing it every single night. The one we create for our patients only takes two weeks to make, and it does a great job of keeping the mouth propped open — just slightly! — to let your muscles and jaw joints rest.

Want to learn more about our favorite dental products, or just want to talk teeth? Give the The Dental Boutique office a call at 337.231.3000; we would love to talk to you! Also, be sure to follow along with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We’re always doing fun things and even giveaways, so don’t miss out.