Is your smile as straight as it could be? If you just got engaged, you’re probably starting to think about how you want to look on your wedding day… the dress, the shoes, the hairstyle. However, many brides don’t consider how they can beautiful their smile in time for the big day. Invisalign can help you smile with confidence as you marry your best friend.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a revolutionary system that can straighten misaligned teeth or an incorrect bite, typically in less time than traditional metal braces. You will receive a series of clear, plastic trays which are designed specifically for your smile, which you will wear in sequence to shift your teeth into the correct position.

Not only are the clear aligners much more comfortable than metal braces, you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. Most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them! Dr. Lindsey Saterfiel will make sure you are all taken care of and monitor your teeth as they shift into place.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

A traditional Invisalign treatment takes about 12 months. If you’re dealing with more severe alignment issues, it could take longer. So, if you want your dream smile by the time of your wedding, you’ll want to start the process about a year beforehand.

The Finishing Touch

Once you are done with your Invisalign treatment, it’s time for the finishing touch! We strongly suggest that you schedule a whitening treatment before your big day. At The Dental Boutique, we have GLO, which is a newer whitening system in the dental market. The whitening process takes place in our office with four eight-minute sessions. You’ll leave up to 8 shades whiter than when you came in!

Are you getting married soon, or are you just looking for a way to transform your smile in a year or less? Invisalign plus GLO whitening is the perfect duo for you!

Come see us at The Dental Boutique! We’re a modern dental studio with spa-like services. In addition to highly-effective teeth whitening, we also offer restorative treatments like dental crowns and bridges, as well as general dental treatments such as x-rays, fillings, and oral cancer screenings. We’d love to welcome you to our office. You can schedule an appointment right on our website or give us a call at 337.231.3000!