At The Dental Boutique, we offer so much more than just amazing dentistry services! We also offer popular cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers and Botox injections.

Most people assume these two treatments are the same thing, but they’re actually two different treatments. Depending on your cosmetic needs, you may be interested in one or both of these options. But first, we want to explain a little bit more about what they do. Let’s dive in a little deeper, shall we?

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injections that add fullness to parts of your face that have thinned as a result of the natural aging process, excess sun exposure, or lifestyle factors. Common areas for injections are the cheeks, lips, under the eyes, and around the mouth. Dermal fillers are also highly effective for those who want to improve the appearance of any facial scarring. 

Some people refer to this treatment as a “liquid facelift” because it is so effective and can really transform your overall look, but in a totally natural and subtle way. You won’t have that “frozen” look and you won’t be unrecognizable. It really just takes a few years off your face, like a real life Instagram filter!

At The Dental Boutique, we can administer dermal filler injections quickly and get you some amazing results that don’t require an expensive surgery or healing process.


Unlike dermal fillers, Botox is a purified bacteria (called botulinum toxin) that essentially “freezes” the muscles of your face in order to reduce — and sometimes even eliminate — wrinkles. It is effective on both fine lines and deep wrinkles, and there’s no downtime. You can go straight to work after your injections with no issues!

In addition to being an effective beauty treatment, it’s also a highly effective dental pain reliever. It can also be used to provide relief from muscle spasms, headaches, and migraines. Botox is also really effective for people with overactive bladders or excessive sweating! While we’re not equipped to do those kinds of injections in our office, it’s one of the reasons why so many people love Botox!

However, if you have been looking for an anti-aging treatment that actually works, we’d love to chat with you about Botox! 

Facial Esthetics at The Dental Boutique

If you want to take years off your face safely and effectively, we’d love to chat more! The team at The Dental Boutique is passionate about sending our patients out into the world feeling like the best version of themselves. We are passionate about happiness, confidence, and of course, smiles. Give us a call at 337.231.3000 to set up a consultation with Dr. Saterfiel today!