First and foremost, THANK YOU! And welcome to what has been an amazing process. We’re so happy to have you visit our brand new website and blog. It has been such a fun filled process building our new practice and seeing our patients walk through our door. Dr. Lindsey Saterfiel and our team at The Dental Boutique are so happy for you to join this journey!

We have built this website with our patients and potential new patients in mind to be able to easily find information about the dentistry services we provide for your whole family.

Our blog will include topics about the newest dental technology, new dental products, the latest dental procedures as well as continuing education courses we attend. If there is a topic you would like to know more about, please let us know!

We built our practice on grounds where we’re there for our patients when they need us, and we want our online presence to be a reflection of that principle. We hope this blog provides everyone with an extra level of service to our current and future patients.

We also know that you have many choices when choosing your dentist, just as you do with any type of health service. Our patients are like family to us and it is important to Dr. Saterfiel and our team that we maintain a sincere relationship. That is why we’re passionate and committed to bringing you the best dental care with quality patient service, in all we do.

It’s the beginning of a fun filled journey, so make sure to like and follow us on our social media to stay up to date on everything Mint!